Sunday, April 3, 2016

Presidents and Such

With all the debate happening nowadays, it seems like such a hard thing to know what is going on with the presidential election. Well, we all should know-we are after all the people that are going to be affected by all this mess. It's just so hard to keep up. Well, let me just throw my ideas out there.

First of all, I am fairly sure that Hillary Clinton is going to be our next president. Donald Trump, as unfiltered, outspoken, and lacking of political knowledge as he is, will somehow manage to win the Republican primaries, as he already has a sizable lead over Ted Cruz. Hillary Clinton will beat Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries as she has a very large lead over Bernie at the moment. Bernie would have to win almost all of the states by a fairly good margin for him to be able to beat Hillary Clinton at this point. So, in the general election, it will be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I am sure that Hillary will win, as many of the people I have met have enough reason to dislike Trump. Remember, Both of the Democratic candidates will gain 95%+ of the Democratic vote, but Trump, as of right now, only has about 60% of the Republican vote. Many Republicans are only voting for Ted Cruz because they really, strongly do not want Donald Trump in office. This decision basis will lead to many of those 40% of Republicans going over to the Democratic side. Let’s say about 10%, just to be generous. Now Hillary Clinton already has half of ten, which is five, in addition to her 47.5% Democratic votes. She now has 52.5% of the vote, which is over 50%, and leads to Donald Trump having less than the majority at 47.5% now. On a similar basis, even if Bernie Sanders wins, the same thing is going to happen. Now, if Ted Cruz wins, it will be a tighter race, but Hillary or Bernie can still win because a lot of Trump supporters are strongly against Cruz and Kasich, and the Democrats will get those voters. So, the Democrats win either way. Sorry, Republicans.

So, what’s your opinion? Who do YOU think will win, and why? Leave an answer down below in the comments.

Now: Here are some fun facts.
-Are you a Democrat or a Republican? Well, there’s a good chance it’s neither because a Gallup poll shows that 42% of voters consider themselves independent.

-75% of Americans think that Donald trump receives too much media coverage.

-He has gotten $2 Billion of free media coverage just by being himself.

-The voter turnout in 2012 was only 53.6%

*UPDATE: Bernie Sanders is now only about 400 delegates behind from Hillary Clinton, so his victory is quite possible. 



  1. Hi there! I am a registered democrat supporting Bernie Sanders. In you opinion, how do you think independent voters will side in the general elections?

    1. Hi, pinkpuppy! Honestly, I think that independent voters will actually side on both sides. However, based on the republican frontrunner's recent actions, a lot of independents, including many that I know, are shifting over to the democratic side.


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