Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Unaffordable No Care Act

Trump has continuously stated that he wants to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare, and it would be one of the first things that he would do when he reached the White House. Except this isn't going as he planned, and for good reason. The "replacement" for Obama's Affordable Care Act is one of the worst concepts ever suggested. For starters, it pleases nobody who can see past the party lines--it lowers the care people can get, it decreases funding (which Democrats hate) and it still has a significant deal of government involvement (which fixes almost nothing for the republicans). Obviously, there are parts that talk about special tax incentives for third-party insurance companies but that doesn't change the fact that the government is still "controlling" the people in the mind of a republican. For any person who is genuinely trying to find a good solution for affordable care, this replacement bill is extremely unsatisfactory. It angers both sides instead of just one. The mindset that we just shouldn't have a system like the Affordable Care Act in our government is also absurd--it is one of the best ways that the government can take care of us, the people, which is their job. A not-too-well-known fact is that during one of the most successful ages of Greece, in which Philosophy was important, health was promoted to an extent that the government would help pay for the people to go to the doctor. This happened on several other occasions in successful ancient governments. Historically, the Affordable Care Act is a good idea. So why are we not implementing it? For petty reasons like "the government is too involved". Looking past these petty reasons, a plan like this is more beneficial for everyone living in the country. However, it is only beneficial when it saves money for the people who need it the most, which is exactly what Trump's version of Obamacare does not do. Looking at the plan, you would actually be paying more to get care the less you make, which is counterintuitive. Rather than making healthcare more accessible to low-income families like Obamacare did, the new version does exactly the opposite. Generally, Obama's version of the Act was more beneficial to everyone living in the U.S. while Trump's is usually only beneficial to the upper class living in the U.S. Go figure.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Honoring Obama

Let's take a break from Trump. Keep him in the back of you mind, though, because he's real. But now that there are only 8 days (at the time I'm posting this) in his term, let's take a minute to honor Obama. He was one of our best presidents and in only eight years, he totally flipped the fate of this country. Despite having to clean up the huge mess left by Bush (who wasn't bad, just stupid), Obama was able to advance the country in a way that was unimaginable at the time he took office. He ended the war in Iraq, killed Osama Bin Laden, and and repealed "Don't ask, don't tell". He made the country more accepting to outsiders and suddenly, he made it okay to be different. Watching his farewell speech was heartbreaking. It was watching the end of all of his hard work, determination, and progress. From day one, he worked night and day to make this very country better for us citizens and made sure that no matter what our financial situation, that we could get healthcare and live a reasonable life. Despite the haters who weren't able to fully comprehend his actions, he built a true wonder of a country. And unfortunately, he is now leaving. Just for old time's sake, I'd like to bring back his first time being sworn in (click here).

It wasn't just Barack though, it's also Michelle. Unlike some, she did her job as a First Lady very well. She started many movements to keep the youth, and the future of America, happy, healthy, and successful. Her "Let's Move!", "Reach Higher", "Joining Forces", and "Let Girls Learn" initiatives encouraged young people to get up and do something, anything, with their lives. Her words and actions affected kids in an actually effective way, and her words mattered. She made just as much of a difference, if not more, as Barack.

Together, the Obamas ensured the security and happiness of American Citizens big and small. No matter who's our president now, it's going to be very difficult for these impacts to be undone. It's sad to see them go and be replaced by their exact opposites. Still, no matter what happens next, they will always be remembered.

Saturday, December 31, 2016


What? People outside of the U.S. have a say in our democracy? Yes. Yes they do. Not legally, they don't, but when it comes to allowing besties Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to share dinner in the White House, there are no laws. It's a well known fact by now that there was involvement of Russian Hackers in the Presidential Election, but the issues resulting from this go well beyond just a minor private infringement. Maybe Donald Trump wasn't supposed to be president. Maybe it was supposed to be Hillary. Maybe. Not likely, but maybe. But this issue goes well beyond just the fact that the results of the election may have been "rigged". This is a matter of the security of our democracy. The message that was sent by the Russians when they hacked the results was that voting doesn't matter. My changing the results of one of the most important polls in history and the determining factor of the success of the human race, the Russians disrupted our democracy. Our government is based on the idea that the people of the country are able to decide their own future. When there is a foreign source interfering with that structure, it becomes useless because now, it is not the people of the country that are deciding how they want their future to go but it is rather the upper class of another country. This is only one problem though. By helping Donald Trump win the election (regardless of whether he helped a lot or not), Vladimir Putin did something of which Trump has to repay him for. So now, in the future, when Russia wants to hurt the U.S. and take advantage of us, all he has to do is bring up the time when he helped our president win the election. Putin has Trump "under his belt". Now, is Obama wrong for expelling Russian diplomats that may have taken part in the hacks? No, he is merely defending the democracy. Is Putin wrong for not "retaliating"? No, he needs to deal with the consequences. The issue is when you look deeper: Putin is trying to keep his interactions with the U.S. after the election until Trump is president to a minimum, because everything will be easier then. Still, the worst part is that Trump is falling for it, calling him "very smart" and accepting his motions.

The U.S. democracy is not something to mess with and once again, despite the huge mess that we have gotten ourselves into, I'm sure that we will be able to recover form it. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

It's been a couple of months and it's practically a new country

I never though I would say this... Trump is our president. He is. Donald Trump. President Donald. I'm speechless. This win-what does it mean for our future? What does it mean for the entire democratic style of our government as a whole? It is doubtful that the values this country prides itself on as are really going to exist anymore. Just look at it: Donald Trump in office. Making a record as quite possibly the most divisive presidential candidate in the history of elections. Now, I've heard reactions from "In your face, we're gonna make America great again!" to "Let's move to Canada". Both, however, are inappropriate for the situation. While the first one only demonstrates the stand-offish and egotistical personality of the Trump Supporters, the second one only gives in to the fearful environment that the Trump Supporters are trying to create. There is no doubt that this election has brought out the worst in people, but it is not longer just the election. The mentality of "I'm superior to all different than me" encouraged by Donald Trump is not going to stop; it's only going to get worse until the end of his four year term. Already, the portion of the country that supports the president-elect has began to repress the opinions of all others, marking them off as "stupid", "unreasonable", "too opinion-based", or "influenced by biased media". Despite the fact that there is no way to get "non opinionated" facts other than to sift through the words of a variety of media sources, 46% of the country believes this. Still, moving out of the country due to fear only encourages Trump's message. The only real way to repair the state of the country is to stay and fight for our diminishing values and to not stop.  Even though this election has told us otherwise, each and every one of our votes matter. In addition, especially after election night, we need to have more faith in each other. It's not that a majority of the country believes in Trump's xenophobic ideas, but it is rather that those who do are spread across the states (which is rendering the electoral college system useless). This election was only a hurdle in the long history in the United States, but it can easily be crossed if the country can unite over dealing with our new president rather than splitting on whether he is right or wrong.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Lies, Lies, Lies, and more Lies

Donald Trump is a liar. A really, really big liar. I don't think we can actually count his lies at this point. Just recently, there was the nonexistent NFL letter, then the Iran trade video he recently just admitted was false. When does this guy end? I'd love to sit here and list all of his lies, but somebody already did that. Instead, I'd like to talk about why these are important. This may be self explanatory, but for certain people it is not. His lies push him into situations in which he has to lie more. He is literally lying his way through his campaign. He doesn't know any facts, he makes them up. Most of what he says are lies to push himself into the presidency. Since he has announced his presidency, I have never seen a day in which he has not lied. Now, do you really think such a liar should be president? How much of the junk that has come out of his mouth do you think is actually going to be in effect once he becomes president. Do you think he's actually going to be able to make Mexico pay for a wall? Does he really think he can make Mexico pay for a wall? It's a fact now: "I’m not going to pay for that f***ing wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money," Fox (The Mexican President) said. Let's be honest-we all know he's lying but none of us know that more than he does.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Genuinely Bad Person

Donald Trump is a genuinely bad person. While I'm fairly sure that he is going to lose, the slight possibility of his presidency makes me scared. Recently, he kicked a baby out of his rally for crying. This is really quite disappointing. Someone who is running for President of the United States, one of the biggest positions on planet earth, does not have enough decency or control to tolerate a crying baby? I simply don't think that's right. A person who is trusting himself with the futures of millions of people should at least have a temperament calm enough and an ego small enough to handle a crying baby. Now, originally I did not think Donald Trump was a "bad person". I thought he was simply stupid. But clearly, he is a bad person. By simple human nature, baby cries are difficult to ignore. However, it socially and physiologically also causes us, as humans, to protect and care for the child, not kick it out without help. That aside, Trump is also a racist and sexist bigot. In case anybody needs explanation for those words related to Donald Trump, they are hyperlinked to articles. His large ego (that one's only a small sample) blinds him to the point where he uses his success as a businessman (not necessarily bad) as a qualification to take arguably the most important political office in the entire world. Does he really need more advertisement for this? What isn't his fault, however, is his success in the elections so far. No, that is his supporters' fault. So, if you are a Trump supporter reading this blog, I strongly recommend you read this blog so far from the first post up until the most recent one. Hopefully that will change your mind. If not (I never said I sugarcoat), I am extremely disappointed and hope that at some point you will realize that Trump is NOT the right choice for president. If you agree with me, or disagree, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. 

*Note: This blog post was written at 2:45am so I apologize for the shortness and cruddy writing of this blog post. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

10 Mistakes Donald Trump Made in the Last 8 Days

1. His "lack" of a relationship with Putin.
2. Insulting a gold-star family at a very personal and cultural level.
3. Lying about a "Letter he received" from the NFL asking to reschedule the debates.
4. Picking several fights with Fire Marshalls.
5. STILL not releasing his taxes.
6. His website states that his campaign is "self-funding", then asks for money.
7. Mike Pence demoted "name-calling" as Trump calls Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary"
8. He threatened not to pay a hotel because the air conditioning was inadequate.
9. Telling a reporter who was trying to ask a single question to "Be quiet"
10. His untruthful acceptance speech, which was promised to be true.

Donald Trump's bad 72 hours
Donald Trump gets a Full Flop for whether he's had a relationship to ...
Is Trump Planning to Skip the Presidential Debates?
Donald Trump's Website Still Claims He's Self-Funding His Campaign
What we know about Donald Trump and his taxes so far
Donald Trump's Running Mate Mike Pence Decries 'Name Calling ...