Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Genuinely Bad Person

Donald Trump is a genuinely bad person. While I'm fairly sure that he is going to lose, the slight possibility of his presidency makes me scared. Recently, he kicked a baby out of his rally for crying. This is really quite disappointing. Someone who is running for President of the United States, one of the biggest positions on planet earth, does not have enough decency or control to tolerate a crying baby? I simply don't think that's right. A person who is trusting himself with the futures of millions of people should at least have a temperament calm enough and an ego small enough to handle a crying baby. Now, originally I did not think Donald Trump was a "bad person". I thought he was simply stupid. But clearly, he is a bad person. By simple human nature, baby cries are difficult to ignore. However, it socially and physiologically also causes us, as humans, to protect and care for the child, not kick it out without help. That aside, Trump is also a racist and sexist bigot. In case anybody needs explanation for those words related to Donald Trump, they are hyperlinked to articles. His large ego (that one's only a small sample) blinds him to the point where he uses his success as a businessman (not necessarily bad) as a qualification to take arguably the most important political office in the entire world. Does he really need more advertisement for this? What isn't his fault, however, is his success in the elections so far. No, that is his supporters' fault. So, if you are a Trump supporter reading this blog, I strongly recommend you read this blog so far from the first post up until the most recent one. Hopefully that will change your mind. If not (I never said I sugarcoat), I am extremely disappointed and hope that at some point you will realize that Trump is NOT the right choice for president. If you agree with me, or disagree, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. 

*Note: This blog post was written at 2:45am so I apologize for the shortness and cruddy writing of this blog post. 

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