Sunday, July 31, 2016

The DNC and Khizr Khan

The DNC just finished up on Thursday, and a lot happened. Before I start, though, I just want to say that this event was much more civilized than the Republican Convention. of course there were the protests at the start of the convention, but minor protests should occur. That was the original point of the conventions. Even though there was some chaos at the very start of the convention, though, it went very smoothly. By the end, the media had completely forgotten about that first morning. Obama's speech put Hillary Clinton on a pedestal above all, as did Biden's, Chelsea's,  Bill's, and all of the other speeches. One speech that stood out, and with every reason, was one made by an ordinary Golden Star father and mother. Khizr Khan's speech blasted a metaphorical bomb in front of Trump. I personally admire this speech, as he said what needed to be said against Trump better than any of the other politicians. And now that he has gotten his chance from the media, Khizr Khan is not going to stop anytime soon. His words have even frightened Donald Trump and put him into defense mode. But now, as always, Trump's spontaneous remarks have made him look even worse in the eyes of the public, and he is now in even more trouble. He criticized Ghazala Khan's silence by saying "His wife uh, if you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say." At this point, Trump is in no place whatsoever to mention women's rights. Trump is also defending against all of the "sacrifices" he has made in life. His hypocrisy is, as always, getting him more bad attention from the media. Still though, he has supporters. And I mainly created this blog to put the real facts in front of those people. So, usual routine this time? Partially. Citizen makes remark against Trump, Trump feebly defends himself, he makes a hypocritical move, media notes that, Trump gets too much more attention, and it all blows over. I don't think its all going to blow over this time, though. The family is putting in a lot of work to make sure that Donald Trump will not become president. As a Muslim gold star family, they have every right and reason to be worried about Trump. They are proving that not all worshippers of Islam are evil and that every race, religion, and country has both good and bad people. Trump is ignoring the fact that there is certainly a part of the population that is afraid of him (I know I am). He does not realize that there are other people are not supporting him and he is making no attempt to acknowledge their reasoning for doing so. At least Hillary Clinton stated that she "has work to do" in building the trust of the citizens. And at least she is even the slightest bit reasonable. 


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